4 Foundational Funding Resources to Put You Through Massage School

We totally get that the price of massage therapy school is daunting. Most massage colleges are private vocational institutions, that don't financially benefit from the government like their counterparts in the public sector do. In Manitoba, there are no public schools that offer massage therapy programs, so your massage therapy diploma will cost between $20,000-$25,000 CAD.

DON'T FREAK OUT! There are financial options that will get you to your dreams and we've listed four of the best resources here.

Manitoba Student Aid

Manitoba Student Aid is a student loan for students with their home base in Manitoba. You can receive up to a maximum of $140 per week. You can apply by paper or online at MySAO (My Student Aid Online). Applying online is much faster, as most applications get results within 2 weeks, whereas it can take up to 6 weeks to get results from a paper application. You will need to pay these loans back, but you don't have to worry about that until 6 months after graduation. If you find it difficult to pay at that point, or at any point during the repayment process, Repayment Assistance is available!

Canada Student Grants

Canada Student Grants are essentially "free money", they are funds received to pay for post-secondary education that you don't have to pay back. If you qualify for Canada Student Loans, you are automatically assessed for grants with the exception of the Grant for Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities which requires a separate application. You may be eligible for more than one grant, which would be amazing, right?!

Canada Student Loans

You can receive up to a maximum of $210 per week of financial assistance for post-secondary education and living expenses. You must first apply to Manitoba Student Aid, whereupon you will be automatically assessed for Canada Student Loans and Grants. Be aware that you must apply every year to access these student loans. Like MSA, repayment of the Canada Student Loan will commence 6 months post graduation and Repayment Assistance is available for those having financial difficulty.


There is so much information on the internet about scholarships that you may be eligible. Two websites that we recommend are yconic.com and scholarshipscanada.com. By signing up for free you'll be able to peruse hundreds of chances to get "free money" for education or living expenses because of your personal situation, achievements or written words.


Brie TimingsComment