wellington college student clinic
You will be in completely capable and compassionate hands during your massage.
About the Clinic
The student providing your treatment is enrolled in a 2550 hour training program. This in-depth training assures that you are in competent hands and will receive knowledgeable treatment.
The Basic Level students' focus is on relaxation and hot stone massage. They provide these services as a way of combining various subjects and skills they are currently learning. This supplies an important foundational experience for our year one students to build upon.
The Advanced Level students shift their focus away from relaxation and orientate toward therapeutic massage. This type of massage is commonly used for specific complaints/ conditions and uses assessment and treatment. Our Year Two students provide this service by combining their first year of experience with the various subjects and skills they are currently learning in an advanced environment.
Questions and Concerns
Should you have a concern, you may direct it to the observer in charge at the time, or you may contact the Associate Director of the College, Brie Timings (brie@wellingtoncollege.com). All issues are confidential.
Safety is a priority. College observers are on location to provide students with advice whether you are receiving general Relaxation Massage or Therapeutic Treatment. Our observers have experience in practice and can address any issues that may arise. At some point during your treatment, the observer will drop in to provide the student with guidance.
During the course of your treatment plan with the clinic, you may be asked to complete a voluntary survey. These are submitted anonymously to the College and are used for statistic gathering and therapist evaluation.
What can you expect during your appointment?
When you arrive, you will be asked to fill out a medical history form. Please arrive 10 minutes early for your first appointment. Payment is requested prior to the appointment. Tips are optional, however, and we request that you tip the student therapist directly after the appointment. You will be introduced to your therapist, who will take you to your treatment room. They will then provide a consultation, ensuring you have no conditions that may prevent you from receiving a massage.
During your treatment, the student will assess your present condition using Orthopedic and/ or Osteopathic protocols. This may require standing, seated or laying positions. Once completed, they will leave the treatment room to allow you to become comfortably positioned on the massage table. Before returning, the student will check with the observer to ensure nothing has been overlooked in the assessment. They will then perform the appropriate treatment for your needs.
After the appointment, a file will be created for you and maintained at the College for future reference, containing your medical history and details of any appointments at the Wellington College student clinic. All files are considered confidential. Please note that you may be asked to redo a medical history annually for teaching purposes.
Parking is in front of the College on Berry Street, or in the College parking lot.